Coming Home: A Creative Piece

What would you speak about even if no one was listening?

Life. Birds. Clouds. Sunshine on my skin. Love. The air we breathe. The wind that fills my lungs. The leaves rustling in the trees.

That feeling inside that’s always been there.


Talking to the moon, feeling more at one with the flowers, stars, and tree roots than anyone else. Knowing that I am the moon, flowers, stars, and tree roots. I am the birds, clouds, and sunshine; the wind, and the leaves rustling. That I would die happily immersing my senses in nature.

That I can see and create a world inside that is beyond beautiful. That is so enchanting, enriching, alive, and free that sometimes…I struggle to believe that there is anything else. Sometimes I don’t want anything else…just to lay my body in the soil as an honouring…of everything that I know and feel to be true, to be honest, to be alive.

This is my world, only mine, my rich inner landscape of love, peace, joy, sacrifice, a giving over, a surrender, a place where even death is beautiful and I long to die over and over again. Take me over and over again. Never stop taking me. For I am yours. Never truly my own, for I belong to you, or do you belong to me or do we belong to each other. The nothingness…and the cycle continues.

There is only meandering in this space, meandering is all there ever is. There is nothing else and each meander joins into another, I take each one, my feet moving without thought, only feeling…feeling my way through and through and through and through…until we reach a turn in the path and we meander further, never looking back, only forwards, only forwards, led my intuition, by heart, by soul, by God, by Goddess. I am forever yours.

There is nothing else. They say I am a dreamer. Aren’t we all. I smile at creation. It’s all here. Now. Love, joy, sorrow, life, and death. It’s all here. Now. In every moment. Climb the trees, Swim in the river, Smell the roses. Taste the snow. Let the wind take your breath away and the rain soak you through…down to your bones. Let yourself soften, penetrated by the beauty. You have it in your heart. You know you do. You recognise these feelings, these words, they are not alien to you. You know too. You’ve been here. Come back. Come back again. Come home to your rightful place. You know this place I speak of. You want it too. It exists and you know because you feel it too. Your child is calling for you. Listen…the birds sing for you. Feel the sun shine for you, the clouds dance for you, the water flow for you. Feel it. It’s all that matters.


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